Change Mindset Tribe event
'Change Matters'
Wednesday 21th June 2023 - 9:03 - 10:18 (Central Europe Time)
with Margit Takacs
Building resilience & navigating through emotional ups & downs in a change project
Change Matters is all about unlocking your creative and empathetic potential and enabling you to effectively manage human resistance in the workplace. It will be a big hit with change leaders and practitioners who want to delve into their emotional intelligence and human understanding, and receive hands-on approaches to be even more effective!
Change Matters is also the title of the new book written by Margit Takacs - a change management & culture consultant based in Geneva. She's helping people through the emotional ups and downs in the midst of change & transformation at an organisational and personal level via consulting, training & coaching - all over the world (she did already done fieldwork in 7 different countries for large & small organisations who wanted to get more resilience to cope with change).What can you expect in this interactive session?
1. An insight into the emotional rollercoaster we all go through every single time we face a change; and a case study from the rainforest to exercise our creative brain about situations outside of our comfort zone
2. A discussion about the 6 different change leadership styles we can choose to demonstrate, the pros and cons of those
3. Some good tips, books, TED Talks, and websites with each otherAfterwards, we will provide all participants a short summary with the most important discussion points + practical tips & tricks. You can subscribe below.
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