Speakerpackage Cyriel Kortleven
Here you will find 2 versions: One version for the client. One for your Bureau with more details (rate card and other details).
Client Version
Attractive, visual brochure
This version can be used to give the client a nice visual brochure with some extra info about my background, the topics I speak about, recommendations, movies, ...
Click on the picture or here to download the document.
Bureau version
Simple PDF version (easy to copy/paste)
This version is only meant for the Event or Speaker Bureau. It is a simple, extensive PDF document where you can copy/paste the elements required for the client briefing - like bio, topics, high resolution pictures, showreel videos and my rate card.
Click on the picture or here to download the document.
Company details
Office Antwerp (Belgium):
Dijlestraat 52 bus 103
2060 Antwerp - Belgium
VAT: BE0534567295
Event organiser or speaking agency?
Speakerpackage (one version for client / one for agency)
GDPR / Privacy policy
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Change your Mind!