The Brainflix Series
Download the whole bookazine & Make Change Simple & Effective
The Brainflix Series
Embrace the power of Simplification to boost the effectiveness of change initiatives.
Cyriel's latest presentation is focussed on making change simple & effective - how can you change behaviour of people? In this bookazine, you will explore the fascinating 'Brainflix' metaphor, where you'll delve into the workings of our unconscious mind in decision-making. And discover how we can use simple principles to steer our unconscious mind in the direction of the desired behaviour. The key to overcoming common obstacles in change projects lies in creating momentum and engagement by focusing on 3 principles: Make it Specific, Smooth and Small.
You can download the whole bookazine via the button at the top or if you prefer a more digestable format, you can also subscribe for my 1- week newsletter series where you get exactly the same content but spread over 10 weekly newsletters. You can subscribe to the newsletter series via this link . Enjoy the content!