The Change Mindset
Don't mind the Change. Change your Mind.
A changing world
The world is changing faster and faster and it’s happening everywhere. Together we are facing pandemics, strong economic competition, more demanding clients,… not to mention AI, chatGPT and other new technologies.
How do you perceive these waves of change? Are you a shipwreck survivor on a raft or are you a surfer? Do you feel overwhelmed by the continuous waves of change trying to resist by sticking to your fixed thinking patterns? Or do you choose to become a ‘change’ surfer and develop skills to transform problems into opportunities?Are you willing to choose, install and use a ‘change’ mindset?
A growth mindset existing of these three ingredients: Yes And Act
The Yes And Act manifesto
YES ... suspend your judgement
Read more in my dedicated blog on how to turn a “yes, but” into a“yes, and”.
AND … explore the world from a different perspective
Read more in my dedicated blog on “switching perspective is crucial to innovate”
ACT … take small actions & learn from failures
Read more in my dedicated blog on “Learn from failures."
[I have also created a trilogy of articles approaching this topic from a different angle. Dive deeper with part 1, part 2 or part 3].
Looking for more inspiration
YES! Let me inspire you AND take some ACTion to boost your Change Mindset
Book me for a keynote in your organisation
Are you looking for a speaker who:
+ can deliver a light and simple story on change.
+ gives the audience pragmatic tools & language to cope with change.
+ can create an informal atmosphere & makes sure that everybody is energized at the end of the presentation.
+ will adapt his story to your specific situation and goes the extra mile to create something extra-ordinary
Then look no further and get in touch with Cyriel.
Read the bookazine 'the Change Mindset'
If you are in search of clues on how you can keep up with the ever-changing world, then this bookazine is a must-read for you. Explore very practical tools that will help you stay flexible and open to possibilities. Check out how you can boost your creative and entrepreneurial mindset. And stimulate the mindset of the people you work with?
A bookazine is a book with the layout of a magazine.
Follow my online training
Boost your change mindset. Dive deep and get access to my online platform with 10 chapters and more than 33 inspirational video’s boosting your own growth mindset.
Including the hilarious adventures of 'the Fellowship of the Change Mindset' - a special video production where Lord of the Rings characters are put in a bureaucratic setting.
Still looking for more ...
Then you can find tons of inspiration for free through my blogs or my interviews & media appearances. And stay up to date via my contributions on LinkedIn & let's connect.
And just remember: you only need one moment to change and it all starts with the right mindset.
I’m 100%sure that you can choose to change your mindset - and therefore your life - at this moment. Maybe the results won’t be instantly visible and it will take a lot of effort and endurance to make the changes visible in your life, but it all starts with a decision: Set your mind to change.